Frequently bought together
Book Structure
- Segregation of entire syllabus in 57 chapters
- Topical division of chapters
- Solved Papers of 2024 & 2023
- Crack Sets (1-5) with Detailed Solutions
Book Features
- Inclusion of technical terms used in recent years like: Inference, Assumption, Corollary to decode the question in the real exam
- As per the latest examination, revised section of ‘Logical Reasoning & Analytical Ability’, ‘Decision Making & Problem Solving’, and ‘Interpersonal Skills Including Communication Skills’ is also included
- Improved features and formats of ‘Basic Numeracy’, ‘Comprehension’, ‘Data Interpretation’, and ‘Data Sufficiency’
- 5 Crack Sets are present at the end of the book, based on Previous Year Papers, with detailed solutions to clear CSAT Paper- 2
Why This Book?
- To secure slightly more than the required 33% marks, a Master-Strategy with Previous Year Trend Analysis (2024-2016) is included
- Helps aspirants strengthen every section with Section-Wise Strategy to strengthen every section of CSAT 2025
- Inclusion of questions based on Graphs, Charts, Tables etc., are included.
- A variety of Comprehension Based Questions are included with complete solutions
- Detailed study material on every CSAT topic as per the prescribed UPSC syllabus and pattern
Basic Numeracy - Number System, Fraction, HCF and LCM, Square Root, Cube Root, Indices and Surds, Average, Ratio and Proportion, Problems based on Age, Partnership and Mixture, Percentage, Profit, Loss and Discount, Simple and Compound Interest, Time and Work, Speed, Time and Distance, Algebra, Area and Perimeter, Volume and Surface Area, Permutation and Combination, Probability, Logical Venn Diagram, Routes and Networks, Scientific Reasoning, Verification of Truth/Lie of Statements, Data Sufficiency, Non-Verbal and Visual Reasoning
Logical Reasoning & Analytical Ability - Syllogis, Statement and Arguments, Statement and Assumptions, Statement and Courses of Action, Statement and Conclusions, Evaluating Inference, Assertion and Reason, Cause and Effect, Decision Making & Problem
Decision Making and problem Solving - Decision Making, Sequence and Progression, Geometry, Statistics, Set Theory
Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency - Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency, General Mental Ability- Alphabet Test, Analogy, Classification, Series, Coding Decoding, Word Formation and Logical Order of words, Direction and Distance Test, Blood Relation, Ranking Test, Sitting Arrangement, Puzzles, Mathematical Operations, Inequality, Inserting the Missing Character, Clock and Calendar, Cube and Dice, Administrative Ethics and Decision Making, Good Governance and Decision Making, Disaster Management Based Decision Making, Problem Solving, CSAT Practice,
Interpersonal Skills Including Communication Skills- Interpersonal/Communication Skills, Effective Communication, Types of Communication, Barriers of Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership Styles, CSAT Practice
Logical Reasoning & Analytical Ability - Syllogis, Statement and Arguments, Statement and Assumptions, Statement and Courses of Action, Statement and Conclusions, Evaluating Inference, Assertion and Reason, Cause and Effect, Decision Making & Problem
Decision Making and problem Solving - Decision Making, Sequence and Progression, Geometry, Statistics, Set Theory
Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency - Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency, General Mental Ability- Alphabet Test, Analogy, Classification, Series, Coding Decoding, Word Formation and Logical Order of words, Direction and Distance Test, Blood Relation, Ranking Test, Sitting Arrangement, Puzzles, Mathematical Operations, Inequality, Inserting the Missing Character, Clock and Calendar, Cube and Dice, Administrative Ethics and Decision Making, Good Governance and Decision Making, Disaster Management Based Decision Making, Problem Solving, CSAT Practice,
Interpersonal Skills Including Communication Skills- Interpersonal/Communication Skills, Effective Communication, Types of Communication, Barriers of Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership Styles, CSAT Practice
Author | Ameebh Ranjan, Ajab Singh, Abhishek Jain, Vikas, Dr. Rajesh Rajan |
ISBN13 | 9789364376037 |
ISBN10 | 936437603X |
Code | J304 |
Weight | 1.240 |
Language | English |
Binding | Paperback |
No Of Pages | 807 |
Dimensions | 20.3 x 25.4 x 4.7 cm |
Country Of Origin | India |
Manufacturer | Arihant Publications India Limited, 24-26, Kalindi Colony, Transport Nagar, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh - 250499 |
Seller | Arihant Publications India Limited, 24-26, Kalindi Colony, Transport Nagar, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh - 250499 |