Big Update From IIT Kanpur: The Official Eligibility Criteria For JEE Advanced 2025 Are Out!

JEE Advance 2025 aspirants, you need to keep yourself updated about the latest changes in the exam to be a step ahead in your preparation. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur has announced the eligibility requirements for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) 2025 on its official website,, for both Indian and international candidates.
Here we will discuss the latest update regarding the JEE advance, which is set to take place in May 2025. The requirements of the second phase of JEE will be based on the expected performance in the JEE Main exam, age limit, number of attempts, appearance in the 12th class exam, etc.
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Eligibility Criteria For JEE Advance 2025
Criteria 1:
Overall Performance In JEE Main 2025
To appear for the Joint Entrance Examination Advanced 2025, students should be among the top 2,50,000 performers in the Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Technology (B.E./B.Tech.) paper, also known as paper I of JEE (Main) 2025. The shortlisting distribution for each category is structured on the basis of 10% for general economically weaker sections (GEN-EWS), 27% for other backward classes-non-creamy layer (OBC-NCL), 15% for scheduled castes (SC), 7.5% for scheduled tribes (ST), with the remaining 40.5% open to all candidates.
In addition to each of these five categories, a 5% horizontal reservation is provided for persons with disabilities (PwD) students. The selection will adhere to a specified order for choosing the top 2,50,000 students, based on their performance in the B.E./B.Tech. paper of JEE (Main) 2025.
Criteria 2-
Age limit
Students should be born on or after October 1, 2000, to meet the age eligibility for JEE Advanced. However, there is a relaxation for a five-year age for the SC, ST, and PwD categories, allowing them to be born on or after October 1, 1995.
Criteria 3-
The students are now allowed a maximum of three attempts at JEE Advanced, with these attempts restricted to three consecutive years.
Criteria 4-
Appearance in class 12th and another equivalent exam
To be eligible for JEE Advanced 2025, students must have appeared for the Class XII (or equivalent) examination for the first time in 2023, 2024, or 2025, with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as compulsory subjects. Students who have appeared for their class XII (or equivalent) examination for the first time in 2022 or earlier are not eligible, regardless of the combination or number of subjects taken.
The term "appearance" refers to the official declaration of results by the respective examination board for that year, even if the examination was not conducted or the result was withheld. However, students from boards that declared results for the academic year 2021-22 on or after September 21, 2022, and who appeared for their Class XII exams in 2022 are eligible, provided they meet all other criteria. Students whose results were withheld for any reason but whose board declared results before September 21, 2022, will not be eligible for JEE Advanced 2025.
Preparation Tips for JEE Exam:
There are two phases of the JEE exam: main and advance. Qualifying the examination will ensure admission to prestigious engineering colleges in India. Only those students can appear in advance who are among the 2,50,000 performers in Paper 1.
- Be familiar with the syllabus and exam pattern to ensure complete preparation of the subjects.
- Segregate the syllabus based on the tough, moderate, and easy part because it ensures the preparation is conducted in a systematic way.
- After dividing the syllabus, pick a subject and further divide the topics based on the scoring part.
- Build a study routine and maintain it. A discipline routine is essential to completing the syllabus.
- Analyze the previous year's question paper and solve it to get insights about the exam pattern and trends.
- By solving previous year's question paper, you will easily master the art of managing time during an exam.
- While studying, don’t get stuck in a tough subject or topic; start focusing on the other chapter. The key to scoring well in the JEE exam is to manage the tough and easy topics simultaneously.
Gear up for the JEE examination because there have been various updates. As mentioned above the number of attempts has been increased from 2 to 3 which gives students a chance to get better chance and prepare with less stress. Firstly, the JEE main 2025 exam will be conducted in two session then in May 2025 the JEE advance will take place. From exam format updates to changes in eligibility criteria and scheduling, staying informed is key to success in this highly competitive exam. Aspirants should focus on understanding the latest syllabus, adhering to the revised application process, and remaining flexible to adapt to any further announcements from the examination authorities. The road to JEE Advanced requires a disciplined approach, and with careful planning and persistence, students can maximize their chances of securing a top rank in this prestigious exam. Staying up-to-date with the latest information will ensure that candidates are not only well-prepared to handle the challenges of JEE Advanced 2025.
- When Is JEE Advance 2025?
JEE Advance 2025 will commence on May 2025.
- Is JEE Advance tough?
Yes, the examination is tough and to crack the exam you need a study plan.
- What Is The Best Tip To Crack JEE exam?
Analyzing previous year question paper will give you insights about the exam. Hence it is one of the best tip to crack JEE exam.