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How To Create Comprehensive NCERT Notes For Exam Preparation

How To Create Comprehensive NCERT Notes For Exam Preparation

Making NCERT notes is easy, right? No, it is not as simple as it seems. Anyone can make pointers, but creating comprehensive NCERT notes for exam preparation requires a systematic approach. A constructive note will pave the path for academic success. NCERT subjects are complex, and to hone the power of retention, you need good and solid notes.

If you want to shine in the process of making clear notes, then ensure certain things, like complete analysis of the subject you are studying, master the art of rereading, and be flexible in terms of creativity. Climb the ladder to become the top performer in your class with conclusive note-making techniques.

Table of Content

1. Introduction

2. Process of making notes

3. Why you should make notes

4. Conclusion

5. FAQs


Process of making notes

Here is a guide to help you develop a thorough and organized notes:

  1. Gather Essential Material
    • NCERT Textbooks: Collect all relevant books for your
    • Supplementary Resources: Take help from the reference books, previous year papers, and any additional study
  2. Create a Study Schedule and Follow It Diligently
    • Manage time effectively: Allocate specific time slots for each subject and chapter so that you get complete grasp on the
    • Goal Setting: Set achievable goals for completing notes on every topic through this it will be easy for you to succeed in
  3. Reading and Understanding
    • Read thoroughly: Read each chapter in depth to get hold on the main ideas and flow of
    • Highlight Key concepts: Use a highlighter or pencil to underline the critical definitions, data, concepts, and
  4. Summarization Formula
  • Narrow down the information: Break the complex content into smaller sections or chunks for easy
  • Paraphrasing: No, we are not saying to copy the words you just have to write summaries in your own words to reinforce recall and
  1. Structured Notes Creation
    • Use the methodology of subheadings where student organize notes with clear headings for each chapter and
    • Bullet points plays an important role in listing key definitions, formulas, and important concepts to enhance readability of the complex
    • Numbering system: For sequential processes or lists, use numbering to establish order especially in subjects like science and
  2. Use Visual Representation
    • Diagrams and Flowcharts: The diagrams, charts, and mind maps help in visualizing the complex information, methodology, and
    • Tables: Use tables to compare the information where it is
  3. Examples and Solving Equation
    • Real-World Examples: Integrate real-life applications or case studies that illustrate the concepts being discussed. Although this point is relevant for every subject but it is essential in English and social studies to corelate the texts with today’s
    • Solved Problems: For subjects like Mathematics and Science, include solved examples and practice problems to understand the core
  4. Review and Revision Consistently
    • Periodic Revisions: Schedule regular intervals to revisit your notes it solidifies the memory and provides better
    • Highlight Revisions: Use different colors to highlight revisions or key changes made during the
  5. Engage with Practice papers
    • End-of-Chapter questions: Write down and solve questions from the end of each chapter to test
    • Previous Year Papers: Practice with previous year exam questions related to the chapters covered in your
  6. Use Color Coding
    • Divide Information: Use color coding for different types of information (e.g., definitions, examples, formulas, data) that provide quick reference. This method of note making will keep you interested in studying for long
    • Visual Appeal: A visually organized set of notes can make the tedious process of learning even more engaging and

Although nowadays you can find variety of note-making apps like OneNote, Notion, etc to create organized digital notes. They allow for easy access and editing but writing on a paper will help you find mistakes in your notes and provide a base for answer writing in exams.

Why You Should Make NCERT Notes?

Note making gives you a comprehensive structure of the complex NCERT subjects and topics. No matter what kind of exam you are aiming to crack be prepared to score well with your notes. A good NCERT notes helps you in learning and recalling within a short period. You can easily exchange notes as well as study materials with your classmates or friends to cover different perspectives and methodology of studying.


Be consistent in NCERT note making and nothing will stop you from being a high-scorer in exams. The various process and techniques of making quality notes will give you a boost of knowledge. You know that with the notes you can simply create mock tests for complete conceptual clarity. Just stay organized and keep your notes tidy in a systematic manner.


  1. What are the different methods of note making?

There are top three note making technicalities which include Cornell, Outline, And Highlighting.

  1. Why you should make NCERT notes consistently?

You want to get high marks in exams and recall every complex topic while studying then note making is the best methodology.

  1. How to make NCERT notes?

There are digital note making platforms but making handwritten NCERT notes will help you boost your retention power easily.

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